Monday 17 March 2008

Monday in Holy week

Apologies for the quality of the photos on the blog - my iphone is a superb piece of all in one kit but the quality of the camera is no more than ok!
I was quite expecting myself to be the only one for the morning eucharist today. Most people will be going to the Agape this evening and we don't usually have a eucharist on a monday as it is my day off. It seems to me important in this week of all weeks to offer mass daily in the run up to the Triduum (the Three Holy Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter), so it was a joy to be able to celebrate with a parishioner who turned up to celebrate with me. I then went off to make my confession, and now feel ready to face the rigors of Holy Week. I do hope that members of the parish all have a copy of the Holy Week booklet and look forward to celebrating this week with you all.

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