Wednesday 12 March 2008

RSCM Choir Festival

On Saturday the choir took part in the annual RSCM Choir Festival at Chichester Cathedral. With about 400 choristers you can imagine that this is is a wonderful opportunity to do some of the music that we would find more difficult to produce Sunday by Sunday. We had a great service of Choral Evensong, although I felt very conspicuous at the front. It had been suggested that I robe, but discovered that few clergy had chosen to do so, so that including the Dean and Canons there were only six robed clergy... The choirs blended together well, especially since they had only been able to rehearse together on the day. Hopefully we will be able to hear some of the music learnt for the day sung back here in the parish. I felt rather spoilt having had a Cathedral experience of Choral Evensong twice in one week. members of the parish may be interested to know that our Choir Director, Anthony Roberts, is keen to sing Choral Evensong at St. Peter's more regularly, perhaps once a quarter, which would be lovely.

The keen-eyed among you will be able to spot a reunion with Angie Jackson who was a great blessing to us in the musical 'interregnum' before Anthony was appointed, keeping regular Choir practices going for us. 

I also took the time after the service to pray at the beautiful Shrine of St Richard. I was ordained deacon in Chichester Cathedral and it remains a very special place for me.  

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