Saturday 15 March 2008

PCC Meeting 11th March

On Tuesday we had our last PCC meeting before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 27 April, which we will be holding again immediately after the 10.00 a.m. service. Most of our meeting was taken up with the normal business of preparation for the meeting, approving the accounts, working out whose term of office is coming to an end and so who needs to decide if they are willing to stand again. I do hope that as many of you as possible will make sure you have time to stay for at least part of the APCM. This meeting is a sort of AGM which reminds us in the most powerful way possible that St Peter's is a parish in which we together express the life of Christ in his body the Church. There are all sorts of particular ways in which as the parish priest I have special duties and responsibilities which flow from the way I am called to express particular aspects of Jesus' own priestly ministry in the community. Yet only together do we make up the Body of Christ here in this place. So the APCM isn't simply an occasion to get a report on the accounts - and hopefully respond generously when we aren't paying our way (!) - it is an annual chance to reflect together on our common life. Being a member of the PCC is a way of joining me in the task of guiding and leading St Peter's for the rest of the year. Perhaps you might be being called to this ministry? 
Perhaps the other most important issue of discussion was part of our preparation for the Caritas Celebration on 21st June.  As well as ourselves we are bringing to Caritas a twenty word aspiration (vision statement), some photographs (remember Mothering Sunday!), and the grandly titled Mission Action Plan - a way of focusing our priorities over the next three years. We had a good discussion although we haven't finalised our three priorities yet. What really encouraged me though was the clear belief that everything we do flows from our love of God. Sometimes I get a little downhearted that it seems difficult at St Peter to get people to come to study groups and some of the other things that can really help us to grow in our spiritual lives with Christ. So I was buoyed up by this affirmation of our priorities!

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